Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Madonna Photo From Oprah Finale

Madonna was in Chicago today for Oprah's Finale taping.

Live from Chicago: It's Oprah's big surprise

7:37 p.m. Hanks and Oprah are back on stage. And here's Madonna! "So, you look surprised," says Madonna. "Yeah!" says Oprah.

"It's no secret millions of people are inspired by Oprah," says Madonna. "I am one of those people. She's a self made woman who has been at the top of her game for 25 years and she is still kicking a--, encouraging people to dream big, work hard, to read a book, get an education, ask questions - no matter who you are or where you come from. She fights for things she believes in, even if it makes her unpopular. She has balls and a wealth of compassion. I've learned so much from her."

Madonna says Oprah has inspired her to continue her work at her school in Malawi, despite the setbacks.

"I hope to have that same thrill in the years to come, to see that I, too, have made a difference. Oprah, may the next chapters be even better. I stand before you on behalf of the many you have helped and vow to be more courageous and never give up. Never. ... Thank you for inspiring me."

Madonna adds, "After 25 years what will Oprah's shows legacy be? Just look at this audience." The audience is now holding up cards and videos are being shown on it, featuring videos of people in countries around the world holding the letter O and mentioning how the show has changed them.
