Friday, April 15, 2011

When Coachella was Blessed by Madonna

Ah, Coachella - 5 years ago. My first and last music festival with the only person that could get me there - MADONNA. It was hotter than shyt, we got there at 7 am to insure we were in the front - we ran like animals down to the tent - people were falling on their face, snow cones were flying in the air - it was horrible and wonderful all at the same time. Coachella and that indie nothing crowd had no idea what hit them. They have never been blessed by Madonna. Which is why everyone was so jaded when she announced she would be there.

At the last minute they had to figure out what they were going to do. They figured on wrist bands. We got them and we were the first 20 in line and we waited there all day in the scorching heat. It was fabulous, we were in the front and what I really remember is during Hung Up when she gets on the floor and starts crawling that she came toward the end of the stage and looked right at me with those Who's That Girl Eyes. Fantastic! When she was done, you couldn't get me out of there fast enough. Bring on Miss Ross, The Boss and her helicopter to charter me away!

At Coachella drenched in sun screen - EAT IT!