I had kinda talked Madonna into releasing "Oh Father" as a single and we did this video and we were very happy with the video and nobody ever saw it because the song wasn't a hit so she came back to me and said, "You screwed me up. You wanted to make this video for the song and no one liked the song and I went to bat for you and now I have to make a video by Tuesday." And I said, "What's the song called?" And she said, "'Vogue'." And I said, "Okay, we'll get a bunch of stuff together and we'll make a video on Tuesday."
It was one of those things where the DP, Pascal Lebegue, who's brilliant, literally showed up off the plane with his light meter and it was semi-pre-lit and he walked in and said, "This, this, this, this," and we shot the video for like 16 hours and we were done, that was it, she got on the plane and went on her world tour. We cut this thing together as quickly as we could.