You there, why are you so late?
Andrew Lloyd Webber tells that hideous farckle Piers Morgan that he wants Madonna for his version of musical version of Sunset Blvd.
Here's what Webber told McFarckle Morgan:
"I bet you this never, ever, happens, but you know who would make a great Norma Desmond on screen? Madonna.
"She's the right age. I've not got through to her. She hasn't taken my call this time."
Take that fucking call, Madonna!!!
All the ingredients could not be more perfect. The material, the subject, a musical, back where she belongs: Music and Motion Picture. If she took this film, she would have them eating her dust - forever!
I am a huge fan and obsessed with Sunset Blvd. - the film. And there could never be a remake of that film but this is different for it's the musical version and NOBODY could play it but Madonna.
Interestingly enough, a few years ago I was talking to my friend and when asked what I would like to see Madonna do, I suggested that I would love to see Madonna in the musical version of Sunset Blvd. He thinks Madonna is too egocentric and youth obsessed to accept a role as an aging silent movie queen. Aging is her Kryptonite - his fab quote, not mine. I disagree though. I think she would chew it. She was fab in Evita and tackled that with brilliance and would do the same, if not better, as Norma Desmond in Sunset Blvd.
She's ready for her close-up, Mr. DeMille: