The Look of Jaded.
"I Know I'm Not the Best Singer..."
So, my friend and I were having a discussion about Barbra Streisand, who incidentally, like Madonna, said on Oprah yesterday that she never intended to be a singer. When I told him this he replied with, "Barbra's voice commanded her to sing while Madonna's did not". He followed with, "even Madonna recognizes that." I couldn't disagree more. Since Madonna's inception, I've always preferred her live singing voice. While everyone was freaking out over the Who's That Girl Tour vocals in 1987 (which they now herald and want her to return to), I was stating how fabulous they were.
So, Listen Up fans, Madonna said that now legendary quote because that Horrid Heifer Harris was sitting on her bed, glaring at her all jaded-like and it was said so when Madonna left the room, that backstabbing crow couldn't let her have it. Oh, Donna girl, did you get a load of what she said? Grrrrl, you know I sing better, she be nails, why she up there and not me? Madonna axed that shyt out before it could ever be said.
Madonna leaves people with no place to go, so they end up jaded, like that awful Niki Harris - who doesn't know if she's talking to a gay or jazz magazine.
Here's Madonna doing what Niki Harris (or Barbra, for that matter) could never.
They arrested Bobby Brown for fucking on stage...They arrested Bobby Brown for fucking on stage...(repeat 8 times)