Friday, November 19, 2010

Blond Ambition - Vogue - Houston, Texas - The Summit - May 04, 1990

These absolutely splendid photos of The Blond Ambition Tour were taken by MadonnaScrapbook reader Buster in Houston, Texas on May, 04, 1990. Certainly not the days where everyone had their iPhone cameras. That's why these are even more exceptional. I really love Buster's vantage point. Seeing all the markers and such.

I was going to post them all together in one post but I thought about it and they're so wonderful that they should be showcased by themselves per song. This tour really let everyone have it. One of the most influential tours of all time, Madonna is like a superwoman here and I see people still byting this tour 20 years later in 2010.

Starting with Vogue. Here she is performing in Houston. She's amazing. From her stamina, singing and style to her innate seductiveness and intensely disciplined seamless dancing. Enjoy! xo