"The Amazing Spider-Man" stars Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield graces the cover of Teen Vogue August 2012 Issue. For the shoot, Emma sported the most fun pieces from the Fall 2012 collections such as Marc Jacobs' gigantically oversized hats, Prada's 70s-inspired outerwear and a sexy orange lace frock by Mulberry. Read the rest of the entry to know more about Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield fashion styles for the magazine.
Andrew wears a Carven jacket and Calvin Klein tie. Emma wears a Louis Vuitton dress.
Emma wears a McQ Alexander McQueen dress.
Andrew wears a Topman blazer and pants. Marc by Marc Jacobs shirt.Calvin Klein socks.
Emma wears a Marc Jacobs dress and hat. Andrew wears a Burberry London suit, and shirt.
Emma wears a Mulberry dress, Calvin Klein socks, Acne boots. Andrew wears a Carven jacket, shirt, and pants.
Andrew wears a Thom Browne coat and pants, Calvin Klein Collection sweater and shirt. Emma wears a Calvin Klein Collection dress and Marc by Marc Jacobs hat. Emma wears a Prada jacket. Andrew wears a Calvin Klein Collection suit, and Calvin Klein tie.