Keywords: Uproar, Steamy Bed Scenes, Gay and Lesbian Stumbling, Hypocritical, Fabulous, Controversy, S&M, Open Your Heart, Breasts, Express Yourself, Flesh, Sex, Messages, Moral Guardians, Fundamentalists, Fleshy Fantasies, Papa Don't Preach, Audacious, Lewd, Ass-Fucking, Peep Show Stripper, Feltching, Innocence, Faggot, Cocksucking, Moral Backflips, Cross-Dressing, Christians, Fear of AIDS, 50's Monsters, Assholes, Like a Prayer, Truth, Sexual Adventurous, Spanking, Humor, Justify My Love, Cock, Balls, Offensive, Homosexuality, Pornographic, Major Star, Outspoken, Pro-Life, Madonna Tradition, Homo, Pud Whacker, Erotic.