Obsessed with Madonna's adoption drama? Well it seems CBS' The Early Show is, too. For three days, beginning Monday, the morning talk show will air a series about Madonna's adoption quest. Day one is set to feature an exclusive with the Malawian man claiming to be the biological father of the four-year-old girl Madonna hopes to adopt. James Kambewa claims, "I want to take care of her and I'm capable to take care of my baby... Mercy. She is Malawian -- so [I] need her to grow as a Malawian, as well with our culture." Kambewa has never met Mercy (whose mother reportedly died just after child birth).
A Malawian judge rejected the pop star's initial request to adopt Chifundo "Mercy" James, citing the country's residency requirement for would-be parents. Madonna's appeal is scheduled to be heard Monday.
Madonna adopted son David Banda from Malawi in 2006.